Kelly O’Dwyer: “…very, very disgruntled multi-millionaires…” and tax on super

ABC Radio 774: Excerpt from Raf Epstein interview with Kelly O’Dwyer

20 September 2017


This interview contains the following exchange, near the end of the interview:

I stand outside of the shopping centre for an hour in one location and an hour in another location and I just talk to people about the issues that are important to them because there are a lot of things that people are thinking about which they are not prepared to pick up the telephone and call you about or write you a letter or send you an email but they will raise it with you if they see you and I find the same thing when I’m at train stations. If fact to be honest I find it when I’m doing the shopping that people will stop you in the supermarket, but it is really important. I think Clare is right when she says it’s really important to listen to people and to listen to the issues that they’re raising with you and to take that very seriously.

Do you know what changes people’s minds? I don’t, I’m asking if you do.

Well I think if you can listen to people and address the concerns that they have raised and put an argument to them I think that can persuade people and change people’s minds.

Can it persuade disgruntled millionaires?

Look there are some people who will always have a fairly firm view on certain issues. I have got to say I think very, very disgruntled multi-millionaires who don’t like paying Singapore rates of tax on their earnings on superannuation above $1.6 million, maybe they can’t be persuaded but for all other people, which is 99 per cent of the population, I think that the answer is probably yes.”